Beginner training ideas


Group activities


Front wall touch

Option to add more difficult targets

Option to increase difficulty with a lower or faster set

Racquet over as you run for early preparation


Back wall touch

Option to add more difficult targets

Option to increase difficulty with a lower or faster set

Racquet over as you run for early preparation


Backhand drive and target game


Boast and drop


Boast and drive


Colaborative 2 player game


Colaborative boast cross


Colaborative deep game


Continual drops


Cross court game


Drop and drive


Volley short from shoulder


High game


Boast from the front


Short game


Volley challenge


Boast drop cross

Use a bigger bouncy ball then progress to a normal ball

Early preparation makes this routine easier


Side to side short game

No hard hits

Change the ball for a different experience

Winner stays in


Always in via the wall and out to the centre

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