Core Skills
Core skills are a set of progressive skills for new players to attaain. This leads into the Level skills and follows a farmiliar format.
The skills are basic and the requirement to achieve each skill is low to give players the feeling of accomplishment and keep each challenge time short so the sessions flow and are progress.
Players achieve certificates each time they complete 6 skills in each category below.
Three Skill areas to master
Movement is the most important so we can get the ball in the right position relative to your body and then the technical swing will be repetitive and controlled.
Stage 1

These skills focus on drop hits with minimum swing of racquet required so the player can work on movement.
Stage 2

We introduce the concept of moving around each other and the back court base step off a static set ball (hand thrown to bounce once then hit).
Stage 3

We add a set ball and add angles as well as the need to return to th T.
Stage 1

Small hits aids controll and allows for many hits giving confidence.
Stage 2

Routines at the front of the court using angles and movement.
Stage 3

We add short swing volleys and two hit routines to develop early preparation
Target Hitting
Stage 1

Consecutive hit routines will ensure players are hitting to a position not just hitting the ball anywhere.
Stage 2

Hitting higher will increase the difficulty of consecutive hits as the player will need to be deeper in the court to play the ball adding control difficulty.
Stage 3

Adding movement from different directions adds balance and fitness components, set the ball relative to the skill level of the player.

Log and graph your results on our skills benchmarking app

Available in your app store
Level 1 & 2 FREE/$30 AUD upgrade